Tag Archives: online exclusive

The Red Riding Mysteries

Enchanted Times 4.5: Stitched UpAs the latest monthly issue of Enchanted Times Mini (Stitched Up) wings its way to subscribers via the fleet-of-foot gingerbread from the Fast-As-You-Can Courier Company an additional (and dare we say complementary) publication has been released by the FAYC CoCo themselves.  Our news report provides the latest in a string of what have become colloquially known as The Red Riding Mysteries, in which a number of incidents has followed such a similar narrative it is surprising that officers of the law are still to apprehend and prosecute the protagonists: Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf.  However, it is also widely believed that there is in fact no single culprit to be caught, and both the Red Ridings and the Big Bads are groups which work individually but collectively, reporting back to much larger packs working in the same arena.

Little Red StampsThe FAYC CoCo has produced a souvenir FAYC stamp booklet, which features genuine lick & stick gummed FAYC stamps on both front and back cover, with individual images of both Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf.  The inner booklet sheds no light whatsoever on who is the true hero or heroine, villain or villainess of these Mysteries which have captured the imagination of a nation, but does provide a fascinating collection of Red Riding variants from across the Enchanted Realms.  Many of these stories are from word-of-mouth sources and as such not verified from any legal standpoint; nonetheless, they do offer an intriguing insight into how a real life Enchanted Realm mystery can quickly escalate to become the subject of media speculation and folktale alike.

The Enchanted Times contacted the Action Against Archetypes Alliance for their take on recent events, and engaged in a brief exclusive interview with their newest public ombudsman, a Mr. B. B. Wolf (it is currently unclear whether this particular Mr. Wolf has any direct connection with the Mysteries mentioned above):

ET:  Mr. Wolf, thank you for your time.  How do you feel about the FAYC CoCo’s public and widespread portrayal of you – or certainly of your brethren – as indiscriminately Big and Bad?
BBW:  I think you are making an assumption, and this is what I must stand against; this is why I have accepted position of SpokesWolf for the AAAA, so that such misconceptions can be laid to rest.  It is true that the Wolf pictured on the recent FAYC stamps is indeed Big and Bad.  He has been prosecuted as such in the past, and the legalities cannot be argued.  However, this is one specific Wolf, and he is not representative of all Wolf-kind.  I do not believe the FAYC CoCo have misrepresented wolves by naming one Wolf who has been proved so as Big and Bad; however, I do think it is irresponsible of a national newspaper to propagate the suggestion that all wolves should be measured against this one example.

ET:  Are you personally acquainted with the Big Bad Wolf pictured?
BBW:  I do not associate with criminals.  What are you implying?

ET:  Nothing!  Have you ever met a Wolf who was Big and Bad?
BBW:  I believe you are trying to lead this discussion in an unwelcome direction.  Let me elucidate instead on why I have accepted this role as SpokesWolf for my kind.  In my lifetime, I have met young whippersnappers that could barely reach to nip your ankles but would die in the trying, evil little blighters from nose to tail.  I have also met the biggest wolf you’re ever likely to meet – loves to be stroked and groomed and petted, and wouldn’t dream of snagging a tooth in flesh or drawing blood: his priorities are simply otherwise.  There are wolves afield and aforest of every type and every nature, and it is unreasonable to assume that a single one can represent the many.

ET:  Yet surely you as ‘spokeswolf’ for the AAAA are exactly that, one Wolf representing the many?
BBW: I merely ask that each Wolf be judged on his own merits (or lack thereof) rather than by his lupine appearance.  Is it any surprise that in the past some wolves have been known to dress in sheep’s clothing?  It is amazing the difference in reception there is from the general public when presented with a sheep as opposed to a wolf!  Of course, any cross-dressing wolf who is exposed will find himself crucified, like a lamb to the slaughter; so such practices really cannot be recommended…

ET:  As a representative for the AAAA, do you advocate the same non-prejudiced view of all creatures, or are you primarily concerned with the lupine?  What about the bad press afforded trolls, and witches, and evil stepmothers?
BBW:  I am a Wolf and therefore the subject of daily discrimination; I do not believe anybody should suffer in this way.  I have a genuine fondness for all, until they exhibit a genuine reason to earn my dislike.

ET:  And do you like little girls who wear red hoods?
BBW:  I do indeed like them!  But I’m watching my weight due to my new media responsibilities, and I couldn’t eat a whole one…

Our reporter believes this closing statement to have been intended as a ‘joke’; however, upon receiving a pre-publication advance notice of this interview, the AAAA did not appear to find Wolf’s words amusing.  The AAAA has now launched an internal enquiry and may well have the last laugh.  Have you heard the one about the boy who cried Wolf?

A mysterious missive…

With the exception of monthly subscription despatch, all has been curiously quiet on the Enchanted front for the last couple of months. So it was with interest that we investigated a mysterious missive that made its way to us all the way from the Real World.  The only name provided for the sender was simply Snout.  We are suspicious. Surely not correspondence from one of the notorious Pygg Brothers (Pygg the Elder, Pygg the Younger and Pygg in the Middle, proprieters of the dubious property rental outfit Pygg Lets, recently seen in court pitted against none other than Mr. B. B. Wolf)?  If so, why the pseudonym – ‘snout’ surely being somewhat ‘on the nose’, so to speak?  Or perhaps it is an elaborate double bluff – but in any case, why?

the snout report 1

The Snout Report

Please read the attached document yourself (click on the pic for PDF) and make up your own mind as to its meaning or relevance…as a real world re-enactment of Rumpelstiltskin unfolds!

Online exclusive: New Year News

strike a light cover story (c) 2012 Su Mwamba

Seasonal Sampler Giveaway!


ETPrintworks (in association with the Fast-As-You-Can Courier Company) has put together 4 blog-exclusive Seasonal Samplers for you, each set comprising:
  • A previously unreleased seasonal cover story
  • 2 mini-sheets of Fast-As-You-Can CoCo tear-off, peel’n’stick faux postage (bound into Seasonal Sweets card)
  • A randomly selected back issue of Enchanted Times Mini (will vary from issue shown)
  • A mini-sheet of ‘Behind the Times’ labels/seals
  • A ‘Behind the Times’ pinback button badge
There are 4 Seasonal Sampler Sets to be won, & maybe a runners-up prize or two, also!

For your chance to win, all you need to do is:

  1. BROWSE the posts & pages here at enchantedtimes.wordpress.com
  2. POST A COMMENT about anything that catches your eye, on the relevant page. Feedback on almost any aspect of the site is much appreciated!
  3. COMPLETE THE FORM BELOW, including a valid email address so that you can be contacted for postal details, if you are a winner (this will not be shown online or shared elsewhere)
  4. Closing date December 2nd


See Giveaways page for small print & further details.


New artwork preview

Staff artist Holly Mitchell has done it again!  ETPrintworks is delighted to present a sneak preview of another stunning piece of artwork to appear in a forthcoming issue of Enchanted Times:

DISCOUNTS in the new E.T.Printworks store!

The Enchanted Times is delighted to announce the launch of a brand new store: the E.T.Printworks!  Although Enchanted Times will continue to be available from TangleCrafts, additional items and special offers from Enchanted Times will now be available exclusively from E.T.Printworks.

To celebrate the launch, Enchanted Times blog readers can claim a one-off discount of 20% on any single order placed before June 30th, 2012,
by using the coupon code PRINTWORKS at the E.T.Printworks checkout.

All orders placed this month will also receive a Behind the Times badge, plus coupon code to claim discounts on further orders!  Look out for future exclusives, available only from E.T.Printworks & tell your friends!

ADDENDUM: The Art of Gold

It has been brought to the attention of the Editor that one of the feature articles from Enchanted Times #4, The Art of Gold (as reprinted below) – being the result of an interview with an unnamed representative from the Rumpelstiltskin Registry of Re-identification – lacks clarity for those readers non-conversant in colloquial dwarfish dialect.  Thus, an addendum has been produced, and a ‘translation’ insert will be included with all future print copies of Enchanted Times #4.  Pre-orders were despatched before the introduction of said addendum; however, the insert will be forwarded to all subscribers forthwith, courtesy of the  Fast-as-You-Can Courier Co.

* * *

the art of gold*

Continue reading

EXCLUSIVE! Enchanted Times #3.5, mini online edition

The Enchanted Times is pleased to be able to offer a preview of a very-soon-to-be-released mini edition, #3.5, highlighting the problems encountered by one Mr. R. Stiltskin following the termination of his employment by the monarchs of a neighbouring kingdom (as well as an additional breaking news story).  Click here or on image to left to read this exclusive, 6-page online edition!  N.B. print edition contains 2 additional pages of ads from selected sponsors.

A follow-up to this story will be featured in the next full-size edition of ET, publication date to be confirmed.  A print edition of ET #3.5 is now available for purchase in the TangleCrafts Etsy Store, featuring advertisements from our sponsors (including the Midas Touch Boutique & Rumpelstiltskin Registry of Re-Identification) as well as a special offer DIY weaving loom from Nettled-No-More weavers.  Print editions of ET #3.5 are printed on recycled paper embedded with flecks of golden straw.

UPDATE: The Mirror review section

Click on The Mirror link along the top menu bar and you will find that review staff have been hard at work!  Many short reviews have been added, and if you hover over the tab, you will see reviews are now filed both alphabetically by author and also by story/character.  This is still very much a work in progress (and, indeed, will be an ongoing project) with many ‘stub’ entries waiting to be expanded, new entries to be added, and further cross-referencing to be linked in.

Readers are invited to submit their own short reviews of any books listed (whether reviews are already featured or not) and also any books currently omitted which relate to the fairy tale genre.

EXCLUSIVE: Gingerbread Man e-zine

Enchanted Times #3 is due for release in late May 2011.  In the meantime, a major new sponsor for the Enchanted Times journal, the Fast-As-You-Can Weight Loss Co would like to share the following exclusive online preview of their patented Gingerbread Man Plan, including recipe & full instructions.
Click here for a sneak preview to read online!